There are several diet advice in bodybuilding publications, crash diet books, and websites that push you to split your food into various “ratios” and “portions” in order to lose weight.So does building muscle burn fat?
Some recommend a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, while others recommend moderate carbs, moderate fat, high carbohydrate diets, slimming diets, and so on.
But one thing that all of these “weight reduction”/”fat loss” diet programmes agree on is that it must be high in protein.
So, here is the truth about it.
To reduce weight, a high-protein diet is not required.
Almost every source recommends consuming 1-2 grammes of protein per pound of bodyweight.
Some even go so far as to say that in order to lose weight and burn fat, you need to ingest not just a lot of protein, but a lot of it.
There are three reasons behind this MYTH
1) Everyone thinks muscular tissue is mostly made up of protein.
2) Everyone believes that eating too much fat or too many carbs will make you obese.
3) Everyone believes that protein has a “thermogenic” (heat-producing) effect, which aids fat loss.
All three of these assumptions are completely incorrect! I’ll give you a very brief description in this post.
Muscle tissue isn’t made up entirely of protein at first. WATER makes up 70% of muscle tissue.
The remaining 30% is made up of AMINO ACIDS and GLUCOSE.
Your muscles require just as much, if not more, glucose (which is what carbs are transformed into).
One of the KEYS to weight loss is having a significant amount of muscular tissue on the body (this does not mean you have to appear like a bodybuilder if you don’t want to).
Building Muscle Burns Hundreds Of Calories A Day For Weight Loss
Because the more muscle you have, the faster and more powerful your metabolism becomes, you can burn hundreds of calories every day even while relaxing and watching TV.
The more muscle you have, the more calories you can take while still losing weight/burning fat (believe me, no one enjoys having to consume an extremely low number of calories in order to lose weight).
So, whether you’re a man or a woman, whether you want to appear like a bodybuilder or simply stay in shape, you need muscle!
Amino acids are what make up protein, according to those who have researched the physiology of the human body in a clinical setting.
The body, on the other hand, uses whatever amount of amino acids it requires at the time. It saves the rest for later use.
It is not true that you must consume a “continuous stream” of protein in order to lose weight or burn fat… your body maintains a little “swimming pool” of stored amino acids.
Metabolism and Muscle
Muscle gain and weight loss are two concepts that are mutually exclusive. In reality, when you exercise, you’re more likely to gain muscle, which is heavier than fat. As a result, your body is gaining weight as well as muscle.
It’s crucial to remember, though, that you’re losing weight.It’s not uncommon for folks who concentrate on building muscle to gain or maintain their weight while losing a significant amount of fat around their waist, hips, and abdomen.
Building muscle necessitates an increase in calorie expenditure in order to sustain the muscle. A pound of muscle consumes about 10 calories each hour, which is higher than fat. Muscles burn 5.5 times the amount of calories as fat.
Muscle mass transforms your body into a fat-burning furnace! As a result, your metabolism speeds up, increasing the number of calories your body needs to function on a regular basis. As a result, muscle mass is gained and fat is lost.
Protein Is Difficult To Degrade In The Body
Protein is the most difficult macronutrient to digest and absorb.
The more protein you consume, the more strain you’re putting on your gastrointestinal tract.
What, by the way, do you think happens to any surplus protein??? It transforms it into FAT!
Have you ever noticed how you feel after eating a large hamburger or steak?
Fluids and water help your body flush out extra nitrogen. Even though you don’t feel thirsty, you can become dehydrated as a result of this.
A 2002 study of athletes discovered that as protein intake increased, so did hydration levels. However, a 2006 study found that increasing protein intake had just a minor effect on hydration.
Increase your water intake to reduce this risk or consequence, especially if you’re an active person. It’s critical to drink lots of water throughout the day, regardless of how much protein you consume.
For Hours, Red Meat Can Remain In The Intestines
Even after several hours, you still feel as if you have that complete piece of flesh rotting and sitting in your stomach.
What kind of weight-loss advantage do you think that will provide?
Have you ever had one of those horrible protein drinks or eaten one of those chalky protein bars?
You feel bloated, gassy, and you can even have the “runs” (diarrhea).
That’s a clear sign that your body isn’t digesting all of that protein properly!!!
There are numerous real-life instances of professional athletes who do not consume a lot of protein to gain muscle mass but nonetheless have incredible physiques, have extremely defined and toned bodies, are in excellent health, and are powerful, quick, and nimble.
Professional Athletes Losing Weight By Adding Muscle
Andreas Cahling is a Swedish bodybuilder and Olympic ski diving gold medalist.
Keith Holmes is a middleweight world champion.
Powerlifting champion Costs Manetti
Stan Price holds the world record for the bench press.
Buffalo Bills and Kansas City Chiefs MVP defensive ends Art Still is a member of the Kansas City Chiefs Hall of Fame.
Chris Campbell is an Olympic wrestler.
European super heavyweight boxing champion Peter Hussing.
If you consume a lot of calories, you can eat all the protein in the globe and not shed a pound of fat weight!!!!!
Remember, it doesn’t matter what magazines, fad diet manuals, and companies seeking to sell us their latest protein blend have told us. Everything comes down to calories!